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Extending Resources

You can add and change the behaviour of existing Filament resources. This might be useful if you wish to add a button for additional custom functionality.

Much like extending pages, to extend a resource you need to create and register an extension.

For example, the code below will register a custom extension called MyProductResourceExtension for the ProductResource Filament resource.

LunarPanel::registerExtension(new MyProductResourceExtension, \Lunar\Panel\Filament\Resources\ProductResource::class);


An example of extending the ProductResource

class MyProductResourceExtension extends \Lunar\Panel\Support\Extending\ResourceExtension
    public function extendForm(\Filament\Forms\Form $form): \Filament\Forms\Form
        return $form->schema([
            ...$form->getComponents(withHidden: true),
    public function extendTable(\Filament\Tables\Table $table): \Filament\Tables\Table
        $actions = [

        return $table;
    public function getRelations(array $managers) : array
        return [
            // This is just a standard Filament relation manager.
            // see

// Typically placed in your AppServiceProvider file...
LunarPanel::registerExtension(new MyCreateExtension, CreateProduct::class);